
  • Families First’s facility has 3 Austin air filters

  • All staff and teachers have been vaccinated

  • All adults who have had known Covid exposure in the past 10 days should wear a mask.

  • Adults who have tested positive for Covid-19 shall not come to the center until 5 days after the positive test. They should wear a mask for another 5 days following the isolation. All children over 2 are encouraged to wear a mask if they have recovered from Covid-19

  • We have thermometers, disposable masks for adults and children, hand sanitizer, and sinks available for all members

  • All toys and rooms are cleaned regularly

  • The building is locked to outside traffic, so staff needs to let children, caregivers and parents in. You can call us at the number posted on the door, and when class is gathering to enter, a teacher will remain downstairs to let members in. This decreases the number of people in the hallway.

changes to Membership

Our playspace is open, as well as the snack room, library, and blue room, for music, play and story time

Additional policies about illness

  • All members (adults and children) who have had a fever within the past 24 hours, or have vomited in the past 24 hours should stay home. Please do not bring children who are home sick from school to Families First.

  • Children who are at the beginning stages of a cold should stay home. We understand that runny noses, sneezing, and coughing can be signs of allergies or can last a long time. Please do not bring in a child who, to your best judgement, has mucus that is contagious and may infect other children (or teachers!).